Davi Peixoto
Graduated in Social Communication (journalism) 25 years of experience in the commercial area (representation) in the creation, elaboration and administration of websites, blogs and projects for the internet, creation of content for the internet and social networks, mastery in the video creation tools and image processing.
Objectives: Press consultancy, Management of portals, personal blog and websites, Photo documentary journalism , opportunity in the commercial or specific area in the areas focused on the third sector where I have been specializing.
Recently, I am investing in several courses in the third sector, some of which have been concluded, such as NGO Management, fundraising for the third sector and financial aspects in the same area.
Reseller coordinator (2012), Sales Supervisor (1995), 25 years of experience in the commercial area, for 5 years I have been specializing in e-commerce and website development.
We are a family owned and operated business.
2010-2012 - I worked as Reseller Coordinator at the company Elcoma Computadores www.elcoma.com.br in the functions of; customer service. Capture and opening of sales points, Sales campaigns, relationship, support for e-commerce in partnership with the company www.bizconecta.com
2007/2009 - Artephilme. www.artephilme.com.br National company in the segment of products for stationery and advertising.
2006 - Telelistas Nordeste www.telelistas.net
Large company active in the segment of advertising and telephone directories.
Occupation. Commercial Consultant (advertising) serving the states of PE / AL / PB / RN).
1994/1995 - Diário de Pernambuco
www.diariodepernambuco.com.br - function - sales supervisor
1996 - Jornal do Comercio
http://jconline.ne10.uol.com.br/ - function - Consultant (advertising).
Experience with the following production tools
- Photoshop (basic) - Fireworks (advanced) - Adobe Lightroom (basic) - Moviemaker (advanced) - Word (advanced) - Excel (basic) - PowerPoint (basic)
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Curriculum Lattes. http://lattes.cnpq.br/8698710758070853