1. Strategic planning
It consists in the elaboration of a work plan that, among other things, includes which will be the target vehicles, which will be the chosen editorials (fashion, gastronomy, economy, health, etc.) and which subjects may be sent to the press.
We are a family owned and operated business.
2. Brand strengthening
The press office writes releases on topics that are of interest to your business and fires up a mailing with journalists' contacts. When cited as a source or reference for a story, the company gains from the exposure of its brand and the credibility that only journalistic content can provide, as opposed to an advertising space that can be purchased.
We are a family owned and operated business.
3. Follow up
In order to ensure that the releases sent to a journalist have been received and increase the chance that the matter addressed will be made public, the press officer should call reporters and editors and present, in a more direct and personal way, the agenda worked.
We are a family owned and operated business.
4. Clipping
In clipping, or clipping, a daily report is produced with everything that came out in the press about the advised company, in addition to a qualitative and quantitative analysis with each note or report published.
We are a family owned and operated business.
5. Press service
The company can become news for several reasons and, as it is not possible to publish everything that happens, the press officer has his criteria of news to decide what may or may not become a story. When a reporter wishes to interview a professional from the advised company, it is up to the aide to assist him, facilitate and mediate the contact.
We are a family owned and operated business.
6. Media training
The professional of the advised company can be interviewed in writing, by telephone or even live, on the radio or on television. In this way, the press officer is responsible for training the company's spokespersons, as managers, directors and officers most in demand for interviews, in order to prepare them for these occasions.
We are a family owned and operated business.
7. Crisis management
It is up to the professionals of the press office to develop a communication plan for moments of crisis. Adopting the wrong tone in front of the public can make it much worse. In addition, the trained professional knows how to deal with the exposure, and can even reverse the situation with positive information about the company.
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.